~ ............................................................................................... ~ 1'~ ~, • · - SUNNATS OF DRESSING -· • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . ; i Our Nabi's (;L.,j~dJll~) 'wardrobe' consisted i • ♦ i only of a minimum number of garments that he t f needed and actually wore. These were frequently f • patched and had to be repeatedly washed as his • f i • wardrobe was very spare. 1 t i S.1. Nabi (~j 9 J~tu,~) liked /wearing ~urta (long 1 i shirt) the most. Nabi's (;j.::.j~d.lll~) sleeves t i reached up to his wrists and the collar or f • neckline of his Kurta was towards his chest. • t / / t i Once when the collar of Nabi's (_;Lj~~\~) t t Kurta was open a Saha bi ( ~J~:J,1~;) for f i the sake_ of acquiring blessing, inserted his t i hand in Nabi's ( ~j 9)~~,~ ) Kurta and f i touched the seal of Prophet hood. 1 i (SHAMAIL-E-TIRMIZI) i l S.2. Nabi's (;J::,j 9 )~:ui1j.;,) Kurta used to be above 1 f t • his ankles, reaching up to mid-calf. (HAKIM) t t 1 1 S.3. Nabi-e-Kariem ().;:,j~:.li1J~) bought trousers ! but did not wear them. (TIRMIZI) ~ i S.4. Our Nabi's ( _:j /.,j 9 J~d.11\~) clothes consisted i i... of sheet, lungi (loin-cloth), Kurta (long shirt~• ~ ~ .............................................................................................. ~ ---------<@>---------