~.,,... ........................................................................................ ~~ ~ ~ f "O! Allah ~~-►- ) bless us in this (village, i town, settlement, etc.)" I thereafter read the following dua:- . t a·~-r,,,,~.,,G\¼.~! ;,\ ~ ~1\f I .. ;, ~ / '-='.,- • ~ ~ • ~.)~ cil\~~t-'-t~ ... ,,, ,,,,. ~ AL LAW HUf';T MUR ZOEQ NAA JA NAA HAA WA tJ.UB BIB NAA ELAA UH LE HAA WA HUB BIB SAWW LE HEE UH LE HAA E LAY NAA. "O! Allah ( ~~J.?-- J bless us with its fruits and create our love in the hearts of its d love for their pious in our arts" (TABRANI) Upon reaching one's destination, one shou!d read:- 6J~,,;,~ &if~\}/.dJJ[:~~ ~,. ~,u/ t .. ,,,,. / ~ JJ u . . CS;'~ ::,~ RUB BE UN ZEL NEE MOEN ZA LUM MU RAA RAW KAW WA . . . . . UN TA KHA! ROEL MOEN ZE LEEN. . . :.\-~. . -st. ~ .................................................................................. ~ ---------~>--------