~---------------------------------------~~ • ~,and and You are the best of those who bring:~ f me to this land". f t t ! S.22. Upon returning from a journey one should f I read:- lt.' G.?_; \"."I::'~/,,,,_.,., ~. / '7,9 \-:::" ....-,;,,,~ ,,-;-,.9,r.t' • ~~ u. ~-.J;-\!)-'~ ~_, ~ u;. "=>~ u u~ I AA E BOON:TAA E BOONA ~ BEE OOONA SAA JE DOONALE I, RUB BENAA ! :J.AA ME OOONA. ! il "We are returners, of those who-repent and I are worshippers and prostrators and those who praise Our Rabb'. i t • S.23. When one sets eyes upon ones town, village, i I I settlement, etc., he shou~ say:- ,,, .l, II l f ....-.....- \~ ! ~,~,,~, ~. (J .'\ ~ = \ wJ. \f't - dl/(0,,~J,..)J.}) IL~\.Q,.) ~~ / ~ :,,, • AL LAW HUl';f MUJ !d_L LANA BE HAA QA RAW RAW~ WA i i RAZQUN !:J.A SA NAA. i I "O! Allah, ( :!Jiie-<k-) make for us in it a place I i of staying and grand us good rizq i I (sustenance)". I ~--~.'.'..'..::'.'::~.?..'.~.~-~~~~~:..~:.. ~~ ---------<@>>----------