
y-----··········....-....-............__..__............-........ -~~ • • • • i "Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon t l you" (TIRMIZI) i • • ♦ t t S.2. The person, who greets first, without waiting I i for the other to greet, is closer to Allah. l i (PUKHARI) S.3. One should greet every person, i.e. those whom he knows and also those whom he does not know. (IBID) I S.4. The young should always greet the elderly, those who are walking should greet those sitting and the fewer should greet the many. (IBID) S.S. To greet again the person from whom one has parted company, even if such parting was for a short while only. (ABU DAWOOD) S.6. To greet when entering or leaving home (whether one's own house or that of another). Allah is a guarantee for that person who greets and (then) enters his house. (AL-ADABUL MUFRID) .......... ··•·•· ........ ·.·· •···•·•·• ····· ............ ,_.._., ---------<~---------