need _before or even after giving a gift. S.6. One should not give so much as will become difficult for the recipient to accept. S. 7. One should not talk or boast of one's gesture after giving a present. SUNNATS OF A MAJLIS (GATHERING} S.1. Allah ( ~~~ ) should be remembered in every gathering, and in every majlis (gathering) to recite durud shareef at least once. {HISN HASEEN) I 5.2. One should sit at any place in a gathering. S.3. It is not permissible for a person to sit, in a gathering, between 2 people without their permission. (TIRMIZI) S.4. It is incorrect to remove any person from his seat and to sit in his place. (BUKHARI) S.S. To sit close together and· not far apart. ~ (ABU DAWOOD) \.,, ~ ~.............................................................................. ~ _____....__.. <@>------