.......................................... ~ ~ S.6. If any person comes into a gathering, then out of respect to make place for him, this i will make the new comer feel accepted. (It • is therefore a s:. .mnat even if there is place f in the gathering). S. 7. If there are three people in a gathering it is wrong for two of them to talk in a language which is foreign to the third. (BUKHARI) S.8. · When Nabi (_;l:,j~~I~) intended to leave any gathering in which he participated, he would recite istigfaar 10 - 15 times. (IBN SUNNI) In one narration, the following istigfaar is reported:- • f . • • US TUG FE ROEL LAW HUL LAZ"EE LAA E LAA HA IL LAA HU t WUL _HAYY YOU-L QAY YOU MU WA A TOO BU ELAYHE. t t "I seek forgiveness of Allah, ( ~~~ ) there i ~;., ~ ~ ••••• • D • ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .................. ·········•· ■·•·•·■~~ ------<@>------