I ........................... ~ ........................ ~ ..................... ~ ~ ~, SUNNATS OF VISITING THE SICK • 5.1. There are great rewards in visiting the sick. Nabi ( ~.,~tu1J..; ) has said that whoever visits a sick person in the morning then 70,000 angels shall invoke mercy on the visitor until the evening and whosoever visits a sick person in the evening then 70,000 angels shall make dua for mercy for that visitor until the morriing and he shall also have a garden in Jannah. (MI5HKAAT) 5.2. When visiting the sick one should first greet him and then enquire about his health. 5.3. One should not visit the sick for long (overstay such visit). (BAIHAQI) 5.4. One should always encourage the sick person and be careful not to speak of things as may cause despair and loss of hope. (TIRMIZI) S.S. One should say the following when in the presence of the patient. u t '\-1-a ., • £p .,,__;, V' / {/ (t ;, ~J.V'_!jA}Q~~_)I J ..._ __ ................................................................... l I --------<@>---------