~--------------··················---------~ , S.6. If possible, one should take a gift for the , i patient and if need be, assist financially, since i f Nabi ( ~j~:&1~) has said that the best ii • person is he who benefits mankind. S. 7. Even when visiting the sick, one's intention t should be correct that is to gain Allah's I I ( !Q\i.,.j.,.) pleasure. I S.8. One should not force the sick person to eat or drink. (MISHKAAT) S.9. It is haraam to make taweezes against Shariat e.g .. A taweez to create friction between I husband and wife. Similarly jadu (witchcraft) is also haraam, and also against sunnat. (MISHKAAT) I S.10. To request the patient to make dua as his duas are accepted. (BAIHAQI) S.11. A sick person's dua is like that of the angels. (IBN MAJAH) It 5.12. Whoever reads the following dua upon seeing , another afflicted with sickness or difficulty • • shall himself be saved from it (Insha Allah). • ::\v.z. . ... "J ·~ ~·······••i••····················································........... ~ ------<i3>------