
AL HUM DU LIL LAA HIL LAZ"EE AAA FAA NEE MIM MUB TA - - . LAA KA BE HE WA FUD DAW LA NEE AA LAA KATHEE RIM - . Mlf:1 MUN KHAW_LA QA TUF DEE LAA. "All praise is due to Allah ( ~~~ ) . who has saved me from that with which He afflicted you and gave me excellence over most of whom He created". (MISHKAAT) FOR ALL TYPES OF HEART AILMENTS After every fardh s:=ilaah, place the right palm on the heart ancJ recite the above dua seven times. Recite Durood Sharief three times before and after the dua. Thereafter blow on the palm and rub it _ov::e.. ~~~~- ...... -·-··· ········•·•·· ......... ··•·•·•····.J --------<9>--------