r--:e~c::~~r- ;;;:·;~~·:;:::·t~~--:·i~:··:~i~ I rather he ( :J.:.,j~~IJ-~ ) u~ed to visit them f whenever he ( ;l:,j~~I~ ) found the I opportunity to do so. · (IBID) 1 i S.6. One should, whilst visiting the sick, refrain i from making a noise but should sit quietly i and with dignity. One should also not stay i for too long, when doing so. (MISHKAAT) • 1 5,7, Our Nabi ( ~_;~;:&,~ ) used to position himself close to the patient (when visiting him) and sit by his bedside and ask the patient: "How are you feeling?" (IBID) f i t S.8. Nabi ( ~j~:&1~ ) used to place his hand on the patient's head when visiting him. (HISN) S.9. Nabi (~j~:&1~) has said that one should, as far as possible, give the patient whatever he as_ks for as long as the item requested is not harmful (to the patient). I S.10. Our Nabi ( ~j~:&,j..;,) has said that when visiting a patient one should try to make him happy (for example one could say: "Insha- ~-•················---······························ S! --------<@>---------