
Allah, you have still go:~=~~·~:-~·i·~·~·.': ~~~ of course, shall not affect what is pre-destined 1 for the patient but it shall make him feel f comforted). (TIRMIZI) I S.11. Nabi (~_;~;&1~) would sometimes place ' this blessed hand on the patient's forehead and then pass his hand over the patient's chest and stomach whilst making the following dua: "O! Allah give him shifa (cure)" At times Nabi (;J;.,j~:1~:&1~) used to tell the patient: "There is nothing to worry about Insha-Allah every thing shall come alright." Nabi ( ~j~~:&1~ ) used to sometimes say to the patient: "this sickness is a "Kaffarah", an expiation (wiping off, or cleaning) of the sins" (ZAADUL-MA'AD) S.12. Hazrat Aaisha ( ~J\i1ji1~; ) reports that w~enever / any of them fell sick, Nabi ( ).:.,_;~;&,~ ) used to pass his hands over them whilst reciting: t t I f f ---------··············--------------A ------<@>------