
••·••• ·•I ••·•••• •1111 111 ••••11111 ••t•e I 1111e1t 1,111 .......... AL LAW HUM MA UZ H£:9BIL B'A SA RUB BUN NAA SE WUSH • • FE Ufy TUSH SHAA FEE LAA. SHI FAA A IL LAA SHIFAA OOK SHI FAA UL LAA YOU GAW DE RU SA QA MAA. "O Allah, · ( !{}~Ji., ) 0 Sustainer of all people (mankind), remove the difficulty and grant (the) cure. You alone can grant cure and there is no cure and recovery besides Your cure. Grant such a cure which leaves no trace of illness." (MUSLIM) 5.13. When Nabi ( ;l:,.,~:J.>1~ ) himself used to fall ill, he used to read the four "quls" whilst passing his hands over his own blessed body and after reading he used to blow on this own body. (MUSLIM) S.14. FOR PAIN: To place one's hand on the place (from which the pain issues) and then to recite, seven times, the following dua after having read "Bismillah" three times: _______.;_•-<<@>>---------