
~···················· ................................................................... ~ 1~. ~, • This is the soil of our land mixed with the i 1 saliva of one of us so that it can cure our i i patient with the command and permission of l i our Rabb." The finger should then be passed •. • • f over the wound. (ZAAD-UL-MAAD) • I S.16. Whoever, in a state of illness, reads the following forty times then, should he recover, his sins shall be forgiven and, should he die, he shall be granted the reward of a martyr. LAA E LAA HA IL LAA UN TA SOEB HAA NA KA IN NEE KOEN . . - . . TU ME NUZ ZAW LEMEEN. I and if the following is read then he shall be t saved from the fire of hell. (IBN MAJAH) • i I / -,/ j I J I ~ I"'/ • l ,,... 7 ,,,~'''l~tj~l~j~l5ll~L~ t i ~.l->~ ~,, .,, . / ,.,, . • , / t, , , It /J. ' ~ / I, /. /. ,,,,,.. / t t . ~I~ .,,,el~\~ dJJL5H~\j)~ ~ :. _j t. ! ~-...- / _., ~ i i I ~ l"".J /. / ,t, J ,ai / f w l :.,~u.1.,. (\'...-J?/_\\/~)j)J~\~\ t i _;Ul ~J .... ~,.JI--' ~Y..J .,,, ,.,,Y i . , . ~ ~ ~~ .................................................................................. ~~ -----<©>------