~:;;:::·::·::::::-::::-;:;~-:~:-;:A:,;~ r LiAE~~~UL LAW HU WUfj_ DA HU LAA SHA REE K}},LA HU - f LAA E LAA HA IL LUL LAW HU LA HOEL MOEL ~U WA LA t . HOEL HUM DU - LAA E LAA HAA IL LUL LAW HLJ - WA LAA • fjow LA WA LAA QUW WA TA 1L LAA BIL LAAH. i "There is none worthy of worship but Allah ( ~►~ ), Allah ( ~►~) is the greatest, there is none worthy or worship but Allah, ( ~►~ ) He is alone and He has no partner there is none worthy of worship but Allah ( ~►J.?- J, His is the kingdom and for Him is all Praise; there is none worthy of worship but Allah ( ~~~ ), and there is no power and might except from Allah ( ~►~ ) ". 5.17. One should sincerely make the following dua in one's sickness: :, ... ,/'~.:\..,.~\l" ,,,,, ;; ~..,.t,,,,, ~ 7,. ~ ! :,l~~u, ~ -..C~J,~ ·~~ ~..)~ ,,»~___)...) :,-, • ,,.,.!,, .,,, / ~ 7 ,,/ .\/t'3 . ,,,,~...J/ . / I f LIK WUJ Y..L MOW TEE BE BA LA DE RAW SO LIK. i i "/ ~/ t f "O! Allah, (::0~--►-) grant me martyrdom ~~:::..~~:~::.~~ ------<@>------