. •···· ··•·•·•·•· ......................... · · · · · ....... ~~ ~ Hazrat Fatima ( ~J~4JJI~;) was sent without • any clamour, hue and cry in the company of f Hazrat Umme Ai man ( ~J~4JJl~.S). t Rasulullah ( ~_,~;&,j..;, ) himself visited them and made dua for them and asked for a basin of water in which he blew after reciting Qul-Huwal-Lawhu Ahad, Al Falaq and Un– naas and then sprinkled on both Hazrat Ali (~J~tu1~;) and Hazrat Fatima (~J~:&1~_;). Rasulullah (~.,~~tu,j..;,) gave Hazrat Fatima ( ~J~:u,,~_; ) a silver bracelet, 2 Yemeni sheets, 4 mattresses, one blanket, one pillow, one cup, one hand grinding mill, one bedstead, a small water skin and an earthen pitcher. Nabi ( ~j~:&,j..;, ) advised them that the indoor work should be done by Hazrat Fatima (~J~:&1~.S) and the outdoor work by Hazrat Ali ( ~J~tu1~; ). In this simple fashion the wedding of the daughter of the leader of both I the worlds took place. 1 f In following the sunnat cl wedding becomes f l .... ·s·~- ~~:~'.~--~-~~ ~~-~~--~~ ~~-~'.'.'.·............... ···-~ ------<@>--. -----