
~ .......................................................................... ~ ,~ ,!'\ • The act of Tahneek should also be prerogative • I of an alim or a pious elder of the family. If 1• • such a person is not available then any I muslim male may perform this act. Honey i l may be substituted for dates, if dates are i i not available. (BUKHARI) i • • t J S.6. To give the newborn an appropriate name i • on the 7 th day. (ABU DAWOOD) • t • i S. 7. To make aqeeqa on the 7 th day. I (ABU DAWOOD) l S.8. Aqeeqa is a form of sadqah whereby the child is safeguarded against misfortune. Two sheep, alternatively two goats, are offered in the case of a male while one goat or one sheep suffices in the case of a female. If, for I some reason, aqeeqa was not made on the • 7 th day then it should be done on the 14 th , t the 2l5t, 28 th (or any day in multiples of l seven thereafter). The sooner aqeeqa is i : performed, the better. · •, S.9. It is mustahab to remove the babies hair on i i the 7 th day after birth. Gold, alternatively , • . silver, equivalent to the weight of the remove~ :l.,~· ~ ~ ............ •··· ······ ···· · ·. ····•·•· ... ·•· ······ .......................... ------<@>------