y-_---------------------~ • SUNNATS RELATING TO DEATH, • • • t MOURNING, S~~OUDING AND BURIAL i i S.1 The face of a dying person should be turned • towards Qiblah and he/she (the person in the throes of death) should read:- :, / ,. .,,,,,. .J' ., /oJ,,, - ~ w 'La ,? ..:. :' _: "/.?. .,,, ,, I/ J .,. . \ ~ ~. l t, ~->-' . '-'~J,~-.?., ,,,&-~ / / I tu,.§,~,.51~, ,,,,,, / ALLAW HUf';I MUG FIR LEE WUR fj_UM NEE WA UL fj_IQ NEE BIR RAW FEE QIL A 'A LAA LAA E LAA HAA IL LUL LAW HU. • "O! Allah ( ~~~ ), forgive me, have mercy t I on me and join me with the highest Companion; there is none worthy of worship but Allah ( ~~~ ) ". He should also say:- AL LAW HUM MA A IN NEE A LAA GAW MA RAAW TIL MOWTE . - - WA SA KA RAW TIL MOWT. • I •• I I I • I I I I I I I I II I I I I 11111 f I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill .. --------<@>>---------