
«'....................................................................................... ~~ /'~ J , ; ~, f ( ~_;;t.;~1~ ). O! Allah ( ~~J.?-) make his • i task easy for him and make light (easy) for f i him what follows. Favour him with Your sight. t i Make the place where he has gone (i.e. the i i hereafter) better than the one he has left (i.e. i f the world)". i .t i f S.6. His hands and legs should then be t i straightened, covered with a sheet and his i f clothes removed. i • i • • i S. 7. Relatives and friends should be informed to i } 1 enable more people to participate in Janazah it Namaaz and make dua for the dead. f (SHARHUT - TANWIR) f I S.8. To hasten in the shrouding and burial. I • • • (MISHKAAT) 1 i f S. 9. To shed tears without wailing and complaining i f is permissible and only natural. ! ·1 i S.10. It is permissible to kiss the deceased's i f forehead. • l t • ♦ i S.11. Once the face of the deceased is covered ! i (with the Kafn) it is not correct to open it • L ___...._ .................................................A ------<@>------