
~~::::-::;;::::::::-:;::-:~~ i side in such a way that the whole chest is f f facing the Qiblah (direction of the kaba in f i Makkah) and the back should be against the i i ')rave wall. I ! S.20. It is sunnat to sprinkle water on the grave 1 : after burial. (SHAMI) l SUNNATS OF MASHWARAH I ♦ t I S.1. All important decisions which a person has I • to make should be reached through careful t i l consideration and mutual consultation of ff close and relevent associates. This is referred ! to as MASHWARAH and applies to all matters I : whether domestic, business, religious or , otherwise. 1 I S.2. To make Mashwarah is really an order of I i Allah ( ;D~J.?'-) and the practice of our Nabi t ! Muhammad ( ~j~~tu1j..;, ). It is therefore f • one of the high-ranking deeds of a Muslim's I ! life and offers great blessings, sawaabs and l f success. t t t ♦ ♦ •LS.3. However, it is essential to follow the examplefk ~ ~ ~ ~ ........ ~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ~~ .... ~ ........... ~ ...... ~~ ........ ~~~ ------<0>------