
~ .... ~~ .. ~ ........ ~ ... ~~~~~~ ....... ~ ..... ~~~~~~ .... ~ ................ ~, ,~ ~~ i Ameer need not necessarily follow the wishes t i of the majority (or minority). In fact, it can { • very well happen that the Ameer decides f i altogether differently depending on how Allah i I (:,jii-?-J.e-) guides his thinking. I i S.14. Once a decision has been given, everyone is i f obliged to strictly abide by it. If for some f f reason a decision fails to produce the desired i t result then nobody must complain because i I only Allah (:.)►J.e-J knows best. I t t. I S.15. If someone's suggestion was not followed he f must never complain if later it apparently l i appears that he seemed to be right. f I• (In fact whilst offering suggestions one should i 't be hopeful that it be not acceptable for fear I of possible error in judgement). ! S.16. The mashwarah is concluded with DU' AA : i and there should be no other "small" ! • • t mashwarahs thereafter to criticise the pros f i and cons of what had transpired. f • • • • • • t i • ♦ • ♦ • ~ ~ ~ ........................................................................ ~~ ------<@>------