
y------------------············------------~ • SOME IMPORTANT SUNNATS OF • f CONDUCTIONG BUSINESS i ; . ; . . ; i 1. Trade is the only occupation which our Nabi i i (~.,~~tu,j...;) was known to have taken up. t • ♦ • ♦ t t • 2. Our Nabi ( ~_;~tu,j...; ) was once asked • i which is the best occupation to engage in. i i He replied, "trade and work which is done t i with one's own hands". (TABRANI) t t t • ♦ i 3. One must always be honest in all one's t i business dealings. (TABRANI) i ♦ t i t i 4. An honest and truthful businessman will be f i in the shade of the throne of Allah (~~0-?-). i • (AL-ISBIHANI) • i t ; ♦ J 5. One must not break one's promises .• t t t 6. One must not condemn the goods that one i ♦ ♦ l seeks to purchase. l i 7. One must not unduly praise_ or exaggerate i t one's goods when selling (them). i t t t t .._____....................--------······· ..-A ------<@>------