~ .................................................................................. ~ ,~ ~~' • and the one who swindles, embezzles or • i indulges in any traudulent conduct shall be f in the fire. ♦ i 17. 19. 20 Nabi {);..j 9 )~~\J~) said whosoever sells a i defective article: without disclosing its defect t0 the purchaser, shall earn_ the permanent anger of Almighty Allah (~~~ ), and. the angels continuously curse such a person. To weigh less (of an article) than the intending purchaser is entitled to, is a major sin - our Nabi ( );...,~:&1j..;, ) has said that other 1 1 nations, before us, have perished because • of this sin. Our Nabi ( );_._,~~~,j...; ) has exhorted that we should refrain from taking qasms (oaths) unnecessarily for although is helps in the sale of one's goods, it reduces the barakat f (blessings). t Our Nabi (;l.:.,j 9)~~1j...;) has said: "Whosoever accepts returned goods, Almighty Allah (~~J.?-) will wipe out (annul) his punishment." (ATTARGHEEB) i ~ ..... ____________________ _,.~ -----~------