rz~·---···:~~~::::~·-;·;;~:=~·~~: -~~~ Nabi ( ~j~~:&1~ ) said that one should f I • 'h barakat during that time. I 22. Our Nabi ( ~j 9 )~:&,~ ) has said that we should seek sustenance with ease (i.e. we 1 J should not ..overdo the search (for profit) since each person shall receive what has i · been ordained for him). Business should f never become the be-all and end-all of our -lives. Rather, it should be a means to a better Islamic life where all obligations are fulfilled. 23. Our Nabi ( ~j 9)~~,~ ) has said that whoever buys stolen goods, knowing such goods to have been stolen, becomes a party to the act of theft. 24. Our Nabi ( ~..,~~:&,~ ) has said: "that t body shall not enter Jannah (immediately) it, which has been nourished with haraam. , (AHMAD) 25. Our Nabi ( _;l,J;)~:.liij.,; ) has said that to I l evade the paying of zakaat will cause wealth t ' to perish. _), ~.A ~ ~ .•.••.• •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• • ····················.................... rF ------~-· ------