
w-············································•·•·............_____.~ !►~26. Nabi ( ;J.:,j 9 )~:&,j..;, ) has prohibited th: t i sale of that which one does not possess. i ♦ ♦ I 27. It is haraam t<' indulge in the sale of haraam I • items. • ♦ ♦ f f 28. The giving, taking writing down or even 29. 30. 31. becoming a witness to the concept of interest transactions are haraam. Our Nabi ( ~.,~~:&,j..;, ) has said that it is an act of cruelty to harrass one's debtors. One's employees (workers) should be treated with respect and consideration .. Nabi ( ~.,~~~\~ ) was once overheard making the following dua: "I seek refuge in ,, .... ~,,,. Allah (~~~ ), from kufr and debts." Asa 1abi (~J\i3:&1~5) hearging this enquired: "O Rasulullah ~.,~~tu,~) are you equating the notion of debts to kufr? Our beloved Nabi l (;\;.,_;~~\~) replied, "Yes." (NISAI) · 32. Nabi (;\;.,_; 9)~:&1~) hqs said,__ "debts owing • (to somebody) is Allah's (~~J-?-) flag in this ............................................................................ ····· ~ --------<@>--------