
r~A-;S-;-~~~-~~---, • • Our Nabi ~j;\}~tu,j..;,) has said: "Whosoever i guarantees the protection of his tongue and private • f parts, then I shall stand guarantee for his entry • into Jannah". (MISHKAAT) t • In anJther Hadith our Nabi ( ).:,.,;\}~~,~ ) l • has said: the tongue and the private parts are the two main things that lead man to hell". (MISHKAAT) I From these two Ahadith we understand the , t importance and necessity of using one's tongue in t I accordance with the teachings of our beloved Nabi ! and safeguarding it from the numerous sins which t our Nabi ( ~J;\}~:&1j..;,) has listed. l • SINS OF TONGUE I 1. Our Nabi ( ~_,~tu1j..;, ) has sair:: "When t man speaks lies, then the angels of mercy, ! due to the foul smell emanating from his : mouth, go a mile away (form the liar). t 12. ~::~::::~~~) forbade the calling of a I ~~:.'.~.-~: .. ~~~~~~~ ------<@>------