y- ,. ....................................................,. ··_·..............:, ~ ~ "and upon you too." f 5. Our Nabi (~.,~~:&1J.;,) has prohibited from , i cursing one another and has also prohibited I • ladies from being ungratefJI to their I husbands. · I l 6. Nabi ( ~.,~:&1~ ) has said: .. .. , "Whosoever curses another when such curse does not benefit that person, such curse then falls upon the one who cursed. (TIRMIZI) 7. Nabi ( ;\, ' ~:&1 t:.. t has said: ,,,,,.....,J, _ l..f"" , . "Those who curse shall not be given permission on the day of Qiamat to intercede." (MUSLIM) 8. Nabi ( ~.,~:&1~ ) h·as prohibited us from swearing others. (MUSLIM) Our Nabi c:,L,,~:&ij:,) has said: I "The sin of those two who sweat each other l is upon that person who commenced (such f ·swearing) as long as the other person does i not exceed or out-swear the first person. f (MISHKAAT) 9. I ,10. Nabi ( :,L,_;~:&ij:, ) has said that amongst I ~-----------··················· ···········.······••··---A ------<@>-------