
~ .. - ............ ~ .. -----~-- .. ---·••····················~· • b) Nabi ( ;L,.;~~ i~:&1~ ) has said that whoever : t believes. in Allah ( ~~~) and the hereafter \ I shoul~ spea~ good or keep quiet. l c) Nabi ( ;Lj~~I~) has said: f f "Nothing (from speaking) is beneficial for f t man except his good, forbidding f i evil and making Zikr". May Allah ( ~~~ ) t grant each and everyone of us the ability of i t using our tongues in the correct manner and l i forgive each and every lapse of ours whether • intentional or unintentional. l i t 1. It is appropriate to mention the sig'hificance of a few Ahadith relating to Zikr before. illustrating the Sunnah method of counting up to ten thousand upon one's fingers: Recite Tasbeeh (SubhanAllah), Takbeer (Allahu-akbar) and Tahleel (lailaaha illaliahu) regularly and count them on your fingers for these fingers shall be questioned on the day of Qiyamat. (TIRMIZI) I 2. Zikr is a cleanser (purifier) of the heart. (BAIHAQI) • t t i 3. The remembrance of Almighty Allah, i ~;· '" ... "'-#- ~ ............................................................................ ~ --------<@>------