
'"--~-~-~~~-~~::::-:-:~::~-;::~;~ l be a means for that person of achieving that t t high stages in Jannah. ·(ATTARGHEEB) i t ♦ i 4. Our Nabi ( ~j~iu1~ ) has said that I ! whosoever goes to bed in a state of purity ! • (i.e. with wudhu) and (such person) t • remembers Almighty Allah ( ~~~ ) until • t t • he falls asleep then, whatever Dua such • j person makes (whether pertaining to this f t world or the next) while asleep and turning t ! side to side, such Duas shall certainly be i : granted to him by Almighty Allah (~~J-?- ). • • t (MISH K.AAT) t i 5. Our Nabi ( ~j~~:iul~ ) has said that ! • t ! whosoever sits or lies down at a given spot 1. : or walks between two points, but for the t duration of his sitting, standing and walking t ,., .,,, ~,,,, i he does not remember Allah ( ~~~ ) even • 1 once, then such an activity (lying, sitting, i i standing or walking) shall, for that person, f 1 be a means of loss and hardships. i i . (ATTARGHEEB) I ~ ·······~~.~:~:!i:.~~~~:~~~.~~t.~.~.~.i.:~.. ~.~.~.:j -------<<@>------