r:::::::;:::~•·::·:~•·:::~T:::::~ i . · NU SHOOR. . • ♦ ♦ ♦ • i O Allah ( ~~~ ), with Your help have I i ♦ • i started the day and with Your help have I i t started the evening. With (Your pleasure) we t •i live and die and to You is (our) raising ( on \ the Day of Qiyaamah) • I S.3 To make miswaak on awakening (ABU DAWOOD) i· J NOTE: It as a separate sunnat to make miswaak whilst i i making wudhu and another sunnat upon awakening. • ♦ • ♦ • i f i SUNNATS OF IStINJA ** (TOILET) l i i i S.1 Wash hands up to the wrists thrice before i i inserting into a bucket, drum or container t f for removing water. (TIRMIZI) l i • i S.2 Water and lumps of earth should be taken i i to the toilet for the purpose of Istinja, however t i if these are already in the toilet then it shall t I not be necessary. It is mustahab to take f i three clods of earth. (TIRMIZI) t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i t ♦ • i .-·-- --··-. ·--·-- - -·-•··- ------- -·--· --·--- -··-· ·- ·---- ·---- --·-· - -- - t \.,, **ISTINJA : is the cleaning of.the private parts after passing ou~J (.'----~~.~.~-~~.:;~?~!!~2.~~~~~!:~;.<:___ A, ---0---