~v.... ~ .... .....-e~.. ~~ ............ ~ ................................................ ~~ r SUNNATS REGARDING MISWAAK ~ i . i i \ • i • S.1 Whilst making wudhu, to clean the teeth with • t t t a miswaak is sunnat . (AHMAD) t i i • • t S.2 A miswaak should not be longer than a span, t i i.e. the maximum distance between tips of t i thumb and little finger and it should not be i t thicker than a finger's breadth. (BAHRUR - • i RAIQ) i 1 t t S.3 A miswaak should be held in such a manner i i that the small finger and thumb is below the i i miswaak and the remaining fingers on its ! t upper side. t i t I SOME ADVANTAGES AND .1 . BENEFITS OF MISWAAK 1 t t • • • t i 1. Miswaak eliminates bad odors and improves i i the sense of taste . f t 2. Miswaak sharpens the memory. i i 3. Miswaak eliminates slime. i 1 4. Miswaak creates a fragrance •in the mouth. f t 5. Miswaak is a cure for illness. i i 6. Miswaak strengthens the gums and prevents i i tooth decay. i t 7. Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches .1 ~'?.:. ~ ... ~--~ .................................................................................... ~~ -------<<§>>-----~-