__ ........ - .............................................. ~ \ ~"\ own (so that the anger may subside) .• I . (IBN ABIDDUNYA) I S.7. Worldly loss would not anger Nabi I 5.8. ( ).;,.,;J~j,1J..;, ) but anything said or done against the Shariat would anger him greatly. If news of any person's wrong. reached Rasulullah ( ).:.i_,~tu1j..;,) he would not say: "What has happened to that person - he is indulging in such and such wrong." But, without mentioning the names and speaking in general terms he would say, e.g.: "What has happened to people that they are . indulging in such and such a wrong. (TIRMIZI) S.9. When Nabi ( ).:.i_,~tu1j.o) walked he never caused any person to move from his path. (TABRANI) S.10. When walking Nabi ( ~j~:Jl1j.o } used to lift his feet with so much vigour as if ascending l a high place and when placing the feet on ! the ground he used to lower it in such a i manner as if descending. (TIRMIZI) I , , ♦ S.11. Whilst sneezing Nabi (~j~:&1~) used to, • ··················· ············· ... ····· .. ··········· ······A ------~-------