
r-·::~--~:·:::::::::::::::;-, f To Allah ( ~~~ ) I hand your deen, your I i trust and the consequence ( result) of your actions. ( ABU DAWOOD) 5.1~. At the onset of winter Nabi ( ;j;,.,~tu,j.;, ) would begin sleeping inside the house on a Friday night and similarly his sleeping outside the house in summer, would also commence on Friday night. (IBN-ASAKIR) 5.16. Our Nabi ( );,j~~I~ ) would not stop a person from permissible deeds. He would grant permission, if the questioner had the intention of fulfilling, otherwise he would remain silent. (IBN-E-SAAD) 5.17. When looking into the mirror to say:– , ., ., " .. .,,-; [i.,li .;;:~ ',,, -::r,' _,"' ~ , h /t ~ v.\~vOe~~ '/ .,,,, ✓ f I AL LAW HUt:f MA Ufj TA tf..US SUfj TA KHAWL QEE FA tf..US • ' SIN KHU LU QEE. • ~~-::~~~:.. ~--~:~---~-~==:::J ---------<&---------