
y---········ ··········· ...._ ................... ··········-~ • . DUA . I i VIRTUES AND IMPORTANCE OF DUA ii Hazrat Anas ( ~J\i3:J.11~; ) reports that 1 1 Nabi ( ~.,~~,J.;,) said: 1 "Dua is the kernel (main part) of Ibadat I (worship)" 1 In a nut (e.g. almond) that which is within the shell is the main part and what is really sought I t I by the person who eats it. This is the kernel and l I it is that which has value. lt There are various types of ibaadats (forms : of worship). The making of Dua and begging for Allah's f / .! ( ~~~ ) favours is also a form of ibadat. This : is not an ordinary ibadat but, rather, is the core of ibadat. · Dua has been termed as the Core of ibadat because ibadat (worship) is a man's hu_mbling himself in the court of Allah (~~J-?-) and expressing his own humility, inabilities, meekness and • dependence and accepting the greatness and t ~~:~~--~-~ ~~-I~-~-~-~-~~.~ ................ ····· .... .4 ---------<@>-------'-----