
~····· .... ··•···•·•·•· .. -----········· ·····--- • Ahadith Duas. · • 22. 23. 24. To turn to Allah ( ~54-~) in every need, whether big or small, even when in need of something as minor as a shoelace. If an Imam, then Dua should be made in the plural to include the congregation and not in the singular. Before concluding the Dua, to again glorify Allah ( ~~~ ) and to sing his praises, then 25. To recite Durood and then 26. to say A'ameen 27. Lastly wipe the hands over the face. 28. When duas are answered Rasulullah (~_;~tu,~) has taught us to express our appreciation (thanks giving) by saying. •·•···· •·•·•·•·•···•·•···•·• .... ---------<8>>--------·· ---