~---------··············----------~~~ {NOTE: Whilst Khutba is in session, it is prohibited to make • f Dua with the tongue (one can only make Dua with the heart). i i It should also be remembered that we make Dua in every i i Salaah (before Salaam). f • • • • • ♦ i 4. Dua made at the time of Azaan - at the i i beginning, during and at the conclusion of i ♦ • l Azaan. l . ; i 5. Duas made between Azaan and Iqamat. i ; ; • ♦ ♦ ♦ i 6. Duas made at the time of Jihad. i . ; ♦ ; • • t 7. Duas made when it is raining. i . ; ♦ ♦ l 8. Duas made in the month of Ramadhan. l t t i 9. Duas made when a rooster crows. i t i t t , 10. Duas made at the time of Haj whilst on the , l plains of Arafaat. l i t i 11. Duas made at the following places in Makkah i ♦ ♦ t Mukarramah. t ; ♦ • ♦ f a) whilst making Tawaaf f • ♦ • ♦ ~~-.:.~.i~.~.•~~.i-~~.i.::.:~.~.~.~.• ~~~~~~: .• ~~~~~ .• ~~~Ai ---------<€;>---------