r:u:=~~=:-;;;:-:;:,;:,-;;::::·~-::::;~:~;,,t~ i the most merciful. Master of the day of i ♦ ♦ i judgement. You alone do we worship and You t f alone do we ask for help. Guide us onto. the i f strui_qht path, the path of those whom You f f favoi:red, not of those who have earned Your i ♦ ♦ f wrath, nor of those who have gone astray. t ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ~ ,/ , /. ., / , / // ♦ t u,l:i:w.): /~~8;.:., ~/ l f ,,.. ~ ~J _,, .. / .. :JJ .i_) t ♦ / /~ -' ♦ i ~,t.~ ~~✓'~(L ~,~ ~,/ ~liA/\ ?;>J i • l ~J~w u,,_, ... r\::.u'.(4-~ • ♦ /,... / =--1, ,/ ♦ ♦ ,/ ♦ ! )':, ' 1 1 ''91 -:::\ I i O/" .... '-?'9-Y Y ~ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • f RUB BA NAA WUJ fl.L NAA MOES LE MAY NE LAKA WA MIN f f ZOER RE YA TE NAA Uf';l MA TUf';l MOES LE MA TUL LUK ·- f f WA A RE NAA MA NAA SE KA NAA WA TOEB 1 LAY NAA -1~ f f NA KA U~ TUT TAW WAA BUR RAW tf.EEM. f ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i "O! Our Sustainer! make us obedient to You i • • · i and create an obedient clan from our children i i and show us the rules of Haj and pardon us. i ♦ ♦ f Your are the most forgiving the most merciful. t • • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ~ ~ ~ ................................................................................. ~ ---------~>---------