
~------------ ................ _ .............................. ~~ r~I I ~, • AL L!-i W HUf:1 MA lf;i NEE US ALU KA BE HAQ QIS SfA SLEE • f NA A LAY KA WA BE H/lQ QE MUM SHAA YA f-lAA ZAA FA IN • t NEE-LUM AKff - ROE] A SHA RAW.W WA LAA BA TA RAW.W t f WA LA RE YAA OW.W WA LAA SUM~ TAW.W WA KHA RUJ t • TU ITT TE QAA A SA KHAW TE KA WUB TE GAAW A MUR • f DAW TE KA WA US A LUKA Uty TU fE Z°ANEE ME NUf;l NAARE f t WA ury TUG FE RAW LEE z·u NOOBE FA If;l NA HU LAA YUG i i FE RUZ Z"UNOO BA IL LAA Uf;lTA. t • ,, , ✓- , • i O! Allah ( ~~~ ) I beg You by means of l I the rights of beggars which are upon You, .t, and by means of the rights of this my walking, • I proclaim I have not set out with any intention J of pride or vanity or grandeur or ostentation t i but for the fear of Your anger and to seek i • Your pleasure and I ask You to shelter me • I• from the Fire (of Hell) and to forgive my sins, fi for there is surely none besides You who • pardons sins. (IBN MAJAH) j 5.6 Small steps should be taken whilst walking I f for namaaz to the musjid since every step f i s h a 11 m e r it re wa r d . (ATTARGHEEB) • ♦ t f S. 7 The left shoe should be removed first but ! t the musjid should be entered with the right i f . foot. (ATTARGHEEB) l i S.8 Whilst entering the musjid the following duaJf \.,, should be recited:- ~~ ~ ~, ................................................................................. ~., --0-------