
ftY-:::;::::=;;:::::~ i permissible provided it is not regarded as i i compulsory. Also, there is no compulsory rule that t i Isale-Thawab has to be performed on a specific f i day only. • i t • ♦ i NOTE: Isale-Thawab (i.e. the remitting of sawaab to the i ; deceased) is permissible. The method of Isale-Thawab is:- • ♦ • i Upon the completion of any Nafl action, for example i !, Nafl Namaaz or Nafl roza or Nafl charity which is given to • 1 : the poor or needy, the intention should be made that the f reward and sawaab of this action be granted to a specified t • person or persons, e.g. one's late parents or to the Ummat 1 i of Nabi Muhammad ( ~_,~~\~) etc. i ♦ ♦ I SAFAR I t ♦ l It is totally incorrect to regard this month as i i one of misfortune. Those who believe that this t i month carries with it bad luck, base their argument i • upon a narration which appears in books of Sufism:- , ♦ • I That Nabi ( ).;.,_;;;;,::.ii~ ) said "Whoever I i gives me the glad tidings of the passing of Safar f i I shall give them the good news of entering Jannah". f f Such persons assume this to be an indication i ~,,that Rasulullah ( ~_;~~,~ ) did not like this, f !'~ ~ ..... ~ ... ~ ...................................................................................... ~ ----------<<@>>----------