~-··············-----------------------~ • month. However, it is emphasised that Esale - , i Sawaab is permissible provided that its observance t . . ' t does not conflict with any condition or practise laid t i down -by the religion. t . ' ' ' t ' I RAJAB I I, With the coming of this month Rasulullah f ( ~j~~I~) used to make the following dua :- • · / ,-:.r.:£/-: c~ £/,, // ,. d ~l ,....--~ ' 1 / I ~--,,.!Ju. ~~__;~ ~ ~~y~ oUI / ~Q-: • • u ~ AL LAW HUM MA BAA RIK LANAA FEE RAW JA BA WA SH'A . ' - - BAA NA WA BUL LIG NAA SHUH RAW RAW MA DAA NA. "O! Allah ( ~~.J..?- ) bless us in Rajab and Shabaan and make us reach Ramadhan." ♦ ~ • It was in this month that Mairaj (physical ascension) i took pface and our Nabi (~j 9)~~,~) was given • the gift of salaat. l t t l______............. ········· ........ ... ,___,J, ---------<8>>----------