~~::~:·~·----···········-···········--------~ t ti Our Nabi (~j~:&,j..;,) has said: "Shabaan is my month". In a narration of Abu Dawood it is reported that our Nabi ( ~j~:&1j..;, ) used to keep roza abundantly in this month. It is mentioned in the Ahadith that on the night of the 15 th of Shabaan, Allah (~~~) descends to the skies of the world and forgives all those who repent and seek forgiveness except:- i) the mushrik (one who associates partners with Allah(~~~); ii) one who harbours malice towards another; iii) one who unjustly takes tax; iv) fortune tellers; v) one who severs family relations and ties; vi) that man who wears his clothing (trousers, khurta or jubba) below his ankles; I ---------·<&>:>---------