viii) one who causes hurt to his parents; ix) one who commits adultery. It is mentioned in a narration of Ibn Majah / / that Rasulullah (~.,~~1J;,) said that one ought to spend the night of the 15 th Shabaan in worship (Ibadat) and to keep roza during the day. ' . Allah (~S4,~) descends form sunset to the skies of the world and asks (until the time of Fajr) whether there be any person seeking forgiveness so that He can bless (such person) or whether there be any person wanting sustenance that He may grant that person (such sustenance) or whether there be any person in distress that He may assist him, or whether there be any person having such and such difficulty or seeking such and such favour our blessing so that He may grant and fulfil! their needs. Hazrat Ayesha (~J~tu,~;) reports that on a certain night she found our Nabi ();.,.,~~~\~) missing. She went in searh of him and found him in "Baqie" (the cemetery of Madinah) and this night .................................................... , _______ _.. ----------<<&---------