~ • husbands and parents should ensure that no i strangers (ghair mahareem) have any contact I whatsoever with their wives and daughters. i SECOND EVIL:MUSIC Rasulullah ( ~j~;&1j..;, ) said, "Music generates hypocrisy in the heart just as water causes the crops to grow." The Qur'aan has declared: "A munaafiq (hypocrite) will be in the lowest ranks of Jahannam (hell) and you will never find for them any helper." -----– (4-145) Obviously it is clear that their punishment will be the most severe! All muslims, especially husband and parents must reflect upon these warnings of our Nabi ( ~j~;&1j..;, ) and question themselves. a) Do these reproofs apply to us? b) If so, then have we no mercy for ourselves and our beloved children? c) Do we dare to challenge Allah ( ~>4-~ ) ---------<8>---------