~ •···•·•·•·•· .......................... :--- .................................................. ~ ~ . ~, their hands reach their knees. • • • t i 't 5.14 To say 'Soebhana Rabbiyal Azeem' at leasti, three times in Ruku. i 5.15 Whilst coming up from ruku the imaam should i , say 'Sarni Allahu Liman Hamidah' followed '• by 'Rabbana Lakal hamd' by the muqtadi. : The munfarid i.e. the one who reads his namaaz alone should say both. f I ♦ 5.16 To say "Allahu-Akbar' ( _;.tf ilJ1 ) whilst going i into sajda. t 5.17 Whilst going into sajda first place the knees, i i then the hands, then the nose and then the forehead on the ground. ! ! 5.18 In sajda to keep the fingers together facing : the qiblah and the toes should also be turned ! i towards the Qiblah. • ! ! ! S.19 Men should keep their thighs away from their : i stomachs, forearms off the ground and upper · i i arms away from ribs i.e. sajda should be • • t f made with the body not pressed to the • J ground; a ladies sajdah, on the contrary i i should be pressed to the, ground. i ~ ~ ~"'········· ................................................................... ~~ -----<§>------