rs.·~~- 0 I~•·~~~•~•~·:·:-::::~~:•~•~•·~•a•~~;~:;:~~ i at least three times. i ♦ ♦ • ♦ i t , S.21 Whilst raising the head from sajda to say i f 'Allahu Akbar'. l ' . t t ! S.22 In qa'da or jalsa (i.e. the sitting between t ; the two ?ajdahs) to place the left foot t f horizontally on the ground and to sit on it i • and to keep the right foot vertical so that its , j toes are facing the qibla. Also both palms I I should be placed on the thighs with the • f fingers facing towards the qiblah. f t t • ♦ f S.23 To say Allahu Akbar and make the second f I sajdah . 1 • i• S.24 Whilst coming up from sajdah to first raise t • the forehead, then the nose, then the hands I · i and ·lastly the knees. The hands should be f i placed on the thighs when raising ones self f t which should be done without sitting or t t seeking support upon anything . i • ♦ • ♦ i S.25 To raise the index finger of the right hand as f f one says 'Ash hadu Alla Ilaa ha' in Tashahhud. f t t t S.26 The recitation of Surah Fatiha in the third i ~~-·-···a·n·d~~~~ .. ~~~~:~~~:~-~~ ~~:~ ~~~~j ----------<~----------