~ .............................................................................. ~ 1-~ ~, , SUNNATS AFTER . , f THE COMPLETION OF NAMAAZ i ' ' f 1 ' S. 1. After the Completic;m of fard namaaz to read Ii 'Allah u Akba :- (_;$'f ilJ1)' once and 'Astagfirullah' , three times with the last 'Astagfirullah' read , i a bit audibly and also dragged (pulled) slightly. 1, f . (TIRMIZI) l,I S.2. After the farz of Fajr and Asr to engage in l the remembrance of Allah ( ~~~ ) for 1 1 1 S.3 ~:::l:~~~e~ (angels) continuously* make I t duas of forgiveness and mercy for that person 1 1 who after his daily namaaz remains seated I I in his place of namaaz. (ATTARGHEEB) Below we list some of the zikrs together with their virtues which are mentioned in the Ahadith; it should be read as prescribed or at least in the mornings or evenings: * i.e. as long as the namazi remains seated in his place of namaaz. ------<§>-----