r·..·····~·· ~;::~··;··:~··a~v··v::~·~·~~·~·~·:·~~·;~~ l should be removed before entering the toilet. i I (NASAi) I f NOTE: The ring can be worn again after leaving the toilet. l f However, taweezes which are waxed or sewn in cloth i f can be worn in the toilet also. t i ♦ I S.8 One should not face or show his back towards II I the qibla whilst relieving himself. (TIRMIZI) I (In South Africa we should face either east or west - special care in this regard should be taken when building homes.) S.9 Whilst relieving oneself one should not talk except in the case of dire need. (MISHKAAT) Similarly one should not utter the name of Allah ( ~~~ ) in the toilet. S.10 Whilst making Istinja the right hand should • not touch the private parts but the left should I be used. (BUKHARI, MUSLIM) I • S.11 One should be very cautious about the t l splashing of urine drops (not being cautious f i of which is one of the causes of punishment i ~ ....... ~f.~:~.::.~~~: : .....······..........··--····.'. ~:. ~ ~'. ~~ ---0---