
K;-;~:~·~·;;;·;;:-;:;;;;;:~;·~~~~: -~~ :~. HIL ISLAAM-WA MAKH TA LA FUL LA Z 0 EENA 00 TUL KITAA f BA IL LA Mif:1 8'10 MAA JAA A HU MOEL £L MU BUG YUf:1 i BAY NA HUM WA MA!' YUK FOER BE AA YAA TIL LAA HE FA •1 IN NUL LAW HA SA REE OOL HE SAAB- • - - QU LIL LAA HUf:1 MA MAA LE KUL MOELKE TOTIL MOELKA MUty TA SHAA WA TUty ZE OOL MOELKA Mif:tMUty TA SHAA WA TO[Z ZU MUN TA SHAA WA TU ZIL LU MUty TA SHAA IS YA DE KUL KHAIR Ity NAKA 1 LAA KOELLE SHAY Ity QA DEER. Allah ( !a~~ J bears witness that there is no god but He and the Angels and men of knowledge too - He is the ruler of .Justice, there is no God but He, the Almighty, the Al/– wise. Doubtless the religion which is (acceptable) with Allah ( !()~~ ) is only Islam and the people of the book did not differ but after they had known well, because of grudge and envy against one another, and whoso rejects the commands of Allah ♦ ( ~~~ ), so Allah ( !()~~ ) is swift at reckoning. Say: 'O Allah ( !()~~ ), master of the kingdom, you grant kingdom to whomsoever _you wish, and you seize (take away) from whomsoever you wish, you exalt i whomsoever you wish and you bring low whomsoever you please, in your hand is a]II , _. good; surely you are powerful over · everything.' . ~ ••••••••••.••••.• •·•·•·•·• .......... 2"' ------0------