~here toilets are not available then one f should ensure that he goes so far that none I . can see. (If one is to use the veld). (TIRMIZI) i S.13 One should sit and urinate on soft ground so f that the urine does not splash onto him. S.14 Istinja should first be made with earth (or toilet paper) and then with water. (TIRMIZI) S.15 When leaving the toilet one should step out with the right foot. (TIRMIZI) S.16 Once outside the toilet this dua should be recited. GUF RAW NA KA - AL HUMDU LIL LAA HIL LAZEE AZHABA UN NIL AZ'AA WA AAA FAA NEE • "O Allah ( ~~~ ) I seek Your pardon. All praises are due to Allah ( ~~0-?- J who has taken away from me discomfort -and granted me relief." (TIRMIZI) • ---0---