y-·-----............-....- ........_ .._ ..- ....··----~ • TA !:!..L LAA MOEL GU YOUB * AL LAW HUf:1 MA I~ KOEfj TA · • •i T't LA MU HAA ZUL UM RAW KHAY ROWL LEE FEE DEE NEE t • WA MA tA SHEE WA tA QE BA TE UM REE * FUQ DIR HU t f LEE WA YUS SIR HU LEE THOEM MA BAA RIK LEE FEE HE* f f WA IN KCEN TA T'A LA MU UN NA HAA Z'UL UM RAW SHUR f t ROEL LEE FEE DEE-NEE WA MA AA SHEE WA AA QE BA TEE t f UM REE * FUS RIF HU UN NEE WUS RIF NEE UN HU * WUQ f . -• - . . •i DIR LE YUL KHAIR !j_A Y THU KAA NA THOEfl:1 MUR DE NEE ! BE HE. ; ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • i O! Allah ( ~►~ ) I beg You for the good t t through Your knowledge and ability through f f Your power; I beg (Your favours) out of Your i • • i infinite bounty: for you have power and I 1 • have none, You know and I know not, and • i You are the great knower of the hidden things. i i O! Allah ( ~►J.?- ) if in your knowledge this i f matter is good for my religion, for my i • • t livelihood and for the consequence of my f f affairs then ordain it ( decree it) for me and i • ♦ t make it easy for me and bless me therein; f t But if in Your knowledge this matter is bad f • ♦ . t for my religion, for my livelihood, and for the i } consequence of my affairs then turn it away i • from me and turn me away from it and ordain • ♦ • f form me the good wherever it be, and cause t i me to be pleased with it. t • • • • ~ ~,L ~'- ....................................................................................... ~~ -----<§>-----