~---····· .. ······---···· ..... ·····~~ • ~ SUNNATS PERTAINING TO EATING rt~ • • t t 1 Firstly, we sr.3II enumerate some .of those i I foods which our Nabi ( ~.,~tu1J..;, ) ate, whether t.:: once in his lifetime or as a habit: ; f 1) Meat: of camel, cow, sheep, goat, chicken, f rabbit, duck, halaal birds and fish, whether t dried in the sun or cooked with or without i gravy. f ' l 2) Dates - all types, ripe, dry etc. l 13) . Barley and wheat bread. I i' t 4) Vinegar • t 5) I I Sareed - Roti soaked in gravy with ~ fc-d • t pieces of meat. i t t ' 6) I t , Olive Oi , Ghee, Butter. • t t f 7) Cheese f ♦ • ♦ ' • f 8) Black pepper and other spices. t ♦ ' ~-e~~~~t:.:.~~~-~-~ , 0 ~-u 0 s 0 k 0 ~-~~~~--~-~-~--~~~~~-b-~:;J ----------<0----------